Wednesday, March 4, 2009

After Re-thinking

Hey fam, I just wrote out a huge long rant about how im feeling about this music industry what not. Clearly I had too much to say, wasnt being very concise or organized with my thoughts. Thus i decided to scratch it, and be more collected about this post. Few things to say:

1. Not feeling how everyone and their moms claims to be a producer or rapper (game over saturated) - im walking a thin line on this one, because I could easily be classified in this category - but I hope those that know me as a producer, know that I have some authenticity to me. They know I have a passion/love for what I do, and dont do it for any fame or fortune. I hope they also know that I carry alot of technical knowledge on my profession (thanks to my mentor, USC, and of course years and years of learning on my own - reading anything i can get my hands on, and just experimenting on my own).

2. What separates me from the rest? Thats the biggest question I've been facing for years now - and especially the past year and half. This is where doubt comes in - and where one must remove doubt to obtain truth. Kanye says it best "Dawgg, i was having nervous breakdowns - like man these guys that much better than me?!"...

3. Im working on a beat - my roommate claims it to be "one of [my] better works" - i semi agree. After Listenin to my beats tonight - i figured that - if i work at it - it could be, but i got alot of legit stuff that hasnt surfaced in years (look at number 4)

4. Since I have so much legit stuff that hasnt been released in years - Im going to be spending my spring break (besides movin my studio out of my current room :( - story in itself) re-making these old beats - build them up and make complete songs out of them. Alot of ideas that have potential, and alot of tracks that lost their potential in the execution of remaking them. So I'm going back to square one with those tracks and re-working them till I get them right. Current tracks out now - im just probably going to get them mastered and call them finished for now...I want to build up a catalogue of radio ready material (which is why Im going back to my older beats cuz if I dont now - i probably wont ever). Be nice to have 20 radio ready tracks that I feel are all major artist worthy.

5. Videos of beat making will be up soon i promise (spring break - 2 weeks cmon).

6. My cousin is over for the week - thus why havent done much updating. Been hosting him, and I have alot of work to get done before break - bear (or bare? never remembered which is correct for this phrase) with me.

Until next time - peace and much love to ya!

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